A Short Poem & A Little News
Hi everyone!
As a thank you for the support you've all shown, we wanted to share a poem from one of the seniors we are featuring in the Senior Stories Journal Pack. This was workshopped at Sarah's Circle with the help of Emmy Lu's friends and fellow senior residents.
A Day in the Life of a 92-Year-Old
Getting up, Being up, Staying up, Keeping up, Letting Go
By Emmy Lu Daly
Getting Up
Putting feet on the floor, wait, ready? Stand.
So far so good.
Being Up
Deciding which clothes. What's the weather today?
Hate being cold, or hot. Oh well, grab a sweater.
Staying Up
Trying to read. Nodding off.
Stand up. Do yoga stretches. Eat something.
Keeping Up
Confusing. What are all these things that keep people tuned in?
iPads? iPhones? Kindles? MacBooks? Texting? Twitter?
Letting Go
Recognizing you're OK. You're still here.
There's love and laughter all around. Relax.
And now for the bit of news! We are meeting with a cool, creative brick and mortar store in D.C. this week to discuss selling our journals. We are super excited about this opportunity! We would love to have 2K pledged by the time we meet so please please please tell your friends about us!
We will be sharing a video, and more news soon!
Wishing you all nothing but the best!
Jesse & Noah